
Sunday, May 29, 2016

New DT Members

Hi, my crafty peeps! :)
I'm here to introduce our two newest members to join our little 'Dream Team' as designers! I should have made this announcement two weeks ago but it slipped my mind! lol Maybe some of you noticed we had  Shell 'Shearer' Swinscoe join us a couple of weeks back. Well here I am to officially welcome her and Jolanda Breedvelt to Inspiration Destination Challenge Blog! My Team and I are so excited to have them with us and we'd love for you to join in with us and welcome them to the blog! :)
Here's a little something Shell would like you to know about her:
I'm a happily married mom of two beautiful teenage girls, a greyhound, leopard gecko & a skunk called Nico! Yeah a skunk, he sits with me while I'm crafting....distracts me a lot too, but he is a darling!
I have been crafting one way or another all my life. I started card making about 15 yrs ago when the girls were toddlers, I decided to make cards for family with the girls hand prints on. I brought a few things to add to the cards & the rest they say is history!!
I love colouring stamps (rubber & digi) I use all sorts of medium to colour from Promarkers to Distress Crayons.
I suffer from M.E so my concentration is bad most days, but creating & having a routine is helping with that lots. Also taking skunky butt out for regular walks helps ease the pain in my muscles & bones.
I have a very understanding family, both with my crafty addiction & my M.E I am really lucky to have their full support in everything I do.
I want to say a HUGE thank you to Ema for asking me to join her Dream Team, I am looking forward to creating along with some fabulous designers & getting to know you all better xxxx
Here's a little something Jolanda would like you to know about her:
Hi, I am Jolanda, a married mum of two adults. I started cardmaking when my children were young. I had a diversity of hobbies the past 35 years: sewing all clothes for the kids and me, Pergamano, 3D cards, crochet, knitting. But also playing volleyball and later tennis.
I stopped making cards about 15 years ago because it was impossible to do with my full-time job and the studying I did. I started over again 3 years ago and was astonished by the changes. The dies with machines, the inks, markers, stamps..... I really love it all.
I am looking forward to join and cooperate with the DT and thank Ema for giving me this chance.
Thank you for being part of our blogging world and stopping by today!


  1. Welcome to the team Shell and Jolanda lovely to have you join us
    Dianne xx :)

  2. Congratulations Shell and Jolanda


We are so happy to have you join us this week and hearing from you just adds a sparkle to our day!